Strokes gained for individual shots

golfity can you show the strokes gained (or lost) in each individual shot. Learn which were the best and worse shots of your round.

golfity can you show the strokes gained (or lost) in each individual shot. Learn which were the best and worse shots of your round.

Strokes gained is often reported as an aggregate by shot type. The PGA tour presents strokes gained data in four different categories: off the tee, approach the green, around the green and putting.

That is the best way to know what parts of your game need improvement, but we know that strokes gained is calculated for each and every shot (head to our calculator if you want to know how this works).

What if we wanted to see how many strokes we gained (or lost) with each shot? How many strokes did I gain with that 3W from the fairway that landed next to the pin?

golfity can show you strokes gained per individual shot, check out the image in this post. As you can see, the tee shot on the second hole was bad (lost 0.54 strokes), while the second shot on the fourth hole, from the rough gained 0.12 strokes.

Start tracking your golf with golfity and learn which shots really helped and really hurt you in each round.

Strokes gained

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If you want to lower your scores reducing the number of awful shots should be one of your key priorities.

Now you can see the strokes gained for any round in your Golfity feed
Strokes Gained on the home page

Now you can see the strokes gained for any round in your Golfity feed

You can see your strokes gained by category for each hole in the new scorecard stats we have at Golfity.
Scorecard with strokes gained

You can see your strokes gained by category for each hole in the new scorecard stats we have at Golfity.

Strokes Gained Putting is the best measure of your putting skill and you can now use our free Strokes Gained Putting Calculator to calculate it.
Strokes Gained Putting calculator

Strokes Gained Putting is the best measure of your putting skill and you can now use our free Strokes Gained Putting Calculator to calculate it.

You asked for it and you have it, enter the club you used in each shot and get your stats and strokes gained by club
Stats per club

You asked for it and you have it, enter the club you used in each shot and get your stats and strokes gained by club

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