Data Golf, professional golf analytics for everyone

Data Golf is one of the best sites for fans of golf analytics.

Data Golf is one of the best sites for fans of golf analytics.

Data Golf is without a question one of the best sites for fans of golf analytics. The site offers all the data and analysis you could want on professional golf, with a very nice and easy to use interface

It was created by brothers Matt and Will Courchene, both in their twenties and based in Toronto. They grew up as avid golfers and as they gained knowledge about data and analytics (they both have master’s degrees in Economics) they thought they could apply their knowledge to their passion, golf.

They started as a blog but as they accumulated more data and analysis they created a website with all the data they continuously compile and a myriad of pages and tools to deep dive into any tournament, player or golf course. As expected, strokes gained, the metric created by Mark Broadie, is one of the main data points in Data Golf (as in Golfity).

Rory McIlroy's strokes gained stats in his latest tournaments
Rory McIlroy's strokes gained stats in his latest tournaments

In their own words, “Data Golf represents the intersection of applied statistics, data visualization, web development, and, of course, golf. The goal is to provide unique perspectives on the game that are both accessible to the casual fan and insightful for dedicated golfers.”

Data Golf is not designed to help you improve your own game, but it will help you understand why some players are performing better than others. We are big fans of Data Golf and we’re sure you will have a lot of fun playing with the tool.

Golf metrics
Strokes gained

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Strokes gained calculator

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Strokes gained for individual shots

golfity can you show the strokes gained (or lost) in each individual shot. Learn which were the best and worse shots of your round.

If you want to know if you are putting well, putts gained is the way to go and golfity will calculate your putts gained
Putts Gained on Golfity

If you want to know if you are putting well, putts gained is the way to go and golfity will calculate your putts gained

What is putts gained and how do you calculate it? Read on to learn about the one and only metric to measure how well you are putting.
Putts Gained by Mark Broadie

What is putts gained and how do you calculate it? Read on to learn about the one and only metric to measure how well you are putting.

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